
I am married to the love of my life, and we are laughing our way through parenthood with two teen daughters. I am also a “chicken mom” to our flock of 9 “ladies”, and lets just throw crazy cat lady in there to complete the wonderful image you now have in your head! (Truth: I only have 1 cat).

I never even thought of having chickens as pets until I went to visit a friend, and she had them in her backyard…wait, WHAT?!?! You mean I can have pet birds that will roam around my yard, not fly away, sit in my lap like a cat, and actually give me food everyday!?!?! YES please!!!

I took my daughters to the local feed store and we came home with 4 adorable, fluffy chicks. We raised them into lovely hens that lay beautiful yummy eggs for our family. “Chicken Math” is a real thing though, so…4 plus 2 equals 10 chickens, right? We have added to our flock, and often have more chicks on the way…it’s a problem, I know, but I am loving every minute of it!

So…Welcome to Fairytale Farm…Where every day is a story, with lessons learned, and a happy ending! I am happy to share my chicken knowledge with you as I live and learn through my experiences. I will also share the other happenings and amusements that occupy my time…designing, building, sewing, crafting, baking, and some occasional mom venting/advice. Grab a cup of coffee and take a break to read, comment, shop, and enjoy a glimpse into suburban farm life!